What appliances (for Home and Work Station) can a 7500-watt generator run?

Forget about bemoaning the lack of power when the lights go out—it’s time to face a real problem. What appliances can a 7500-watt generator power? What is it optimal for?

In this article, we will answer these questions and more so that you can make the most of your generator. We will let you know which appliances are worth running and what ones will be better off left off—all while keeping in mind your home’s safety.

What is a 7500-watt generator?

What is a 7500-watt generator?

A 7500 watt generator is a portable device that allows you to make the most out of any available electricity source.

A 7500 watt generator is not the same as a generator for a house. It’s mainly used as a backup system for when the main power goes out. If you plan to use your portable room heater constantly, then you’ll need something with more power.

It is common for 7500-watt generators to run anywhere from 2,000 watts up to 4,000 watts at any given time. This is not very much compared to most houses.

If you’re hoping to power all of your appliances, it’s better to invest in multiple smaller generators for each device that consumes the most electricity on your list.

If you’re looking for something that can handle keeping your home comfortable in a power outage, you’re better off investing in a full-sized generator.

Understanding Generator Wattages

Before we can answer our questions, we first need to understand the wattages of generators, with a general outline of you who are reading this article.

Understanding Generator Wattages

Your Generator Will Output:

Watts x RPM = Latency

How long it takes your generator to produce that many watts x how fast your generator runs = how many amps your generator can produce.

The longer duration it takes for your generator to run, the slower you can run your appliances at full power. The lower the speed of your generator, the lower the power going through any electrical device connected to it.

The higher the output impedance, the more power is being drawn from any electrical device attached to it by those appliances.

This is an important diagram to know as you’ll be able to tell the difference between a generator’s wattage and its output.

And by extension, you will be able to determine how much power your home uses. This is something you will need to do if you want to evaluate what appliances a 7500-watt generator can run, as so not to overload it.

Here are some of the most common watts outputs of generators:

1000 watts output – A portable camping or emergency generator that produces about 12 amps at about 2200 RPM, which only requires about one hour for full capacity charge.

5600 watts (for RVs) – This is the most common output of generator in the US. A generator with this wattage can run your home on standby during a power outage without a problem, but it is only meant to handle basic electronics and appliances. For example, you could run an electric oven but not a dryer.

some of the most common watts outputs of generators

6600 pounds of output – This is the standard power output for a permanent generator while off-grid. It can run your typical home on standby and can even run many of your appliances at full capacity, including an electric stove and air conditioners with auxiliary inputs.

These are some of the most common outputs of generators. Understanding these will give you a good idea on how to utilize your generator. But it doesn’t change the fact that we have yet to answer our original question: What appliances can a 7500-watt generator power?

What Appliances Can a 7500-watt Generator Power?

What Appliances Can a 7500-watt Generator Power?

Here is a list of appliances and what they need (in terms of wattage) to be run at full capacity. Note that less wattage can be used if you want to shorten power outages and extend your generator’s life.

Remember, one hour will focus charge your generator. So trimming your runtime from 24 hours to 5 hours will shave off excess wattage.

List of Home Appliances a 7500-watt Generator can Power

Home Appliances a 7500-watt Generator can Power
  • Coffee Maker – 1,000 watts
  • Dishwasher – 500 watts
  • Fluorescent Light Fixtures – 300 watts (120V) or 200 watts (220V)
  • Garbage Disposal – 500 watts (120V) or 200 watts (220V)
  • Refrigerator/Freezer – 750 watts (120V) or 500 watts (220V) -Note: A lot of newer fridges have their own inverter so you do not need a generator to run it. If yours does not, simply convert the voltage to 120. Since most household appliances rely on 240 V, 220 V generators remain popular.
  • Microwave – 1,000 watts
  • Oven – 750 watts (120V) or 500 watts (220V)
  • Security Alarm System – 300 watts (120V) or 200 watts (220V)
  • Toaster – 1,000 watts (120V) or 850 watts (220V) -Note: A toaster has a max wattage rating of 800 Watts. Toasters are also different than coffeemakers in that they can be easily run on 120 V. Some newer models have an auto-off feature which turns the oven off once it reaches its desired temperature.
  • Water Pump – 300 watts (120V) or 200 watts (220V)
  • Water Heater – 750 watts (120V) or 500 watts (220V)

Water Heater Pump – 500 watts (120V) or 300 watts (220V)

Water Heater Pump – 500 watts
Note: water heaters are usually direct-drive and will draw the most power from a generator. There are two types of water heaters: geothermal and electric.

Geothermal has its own inverter that converts the voltage to 120 volts while electric needs 120/240 V equipment, just like any other appliance.

For the most part, geothermal will use less wattage than electric so look for a generator that matches this rating.



You may be wondering why we included a microwave on the list, it’s because this is one of the more energy-intensive appliances in your household.

If your power goes out and you need to power up the microwave for some quick meals, then you’ll be glad to have a 7500-watt generator.

Perhaps you want to heat up some leftovers or boil water for an emergency meal? A 7500-watt generator will certainly handle that task well.



Because of its low wattage, a toaster will probably need only 1,000 watts to function at full capacity. If you need a toaster that is more than just a hotdog machine, then you may want to look into buying a more powerful (and more expensive) unit such as the T-2000.

Water Heater:

Water Heater

A water heater generates an enormous amount of heat and is also one of the most energy-intensive appliances in your home. If your power goes down, you would not want to have to rely on your water heater for hot showers or baths.

A 7500-watt generator will certainly do the trick there as well and will also power up a whole other set of home appliances while some hot water is flowing from your faucet.

Water Pump:

Water Pump

A lot of houses in the U.S. will use a well to collect and distribute water through the home. These pumps are not very energy-intensive, but you wouldn’t want to be pumping water with a 7500-watt generator if the power is out.

With this assumption, this pump might just need about 1,000 watts for everything to work in an emergency situation.

Food Processor:

Food Processor

With such a small wattage requirement your food processor will be able to operate with almost any generator rating on the market today.

These devices have small motors that almost never have wattage requirements over 350 watts so unless you are planning on running several large food processors at once; it will run fine with one of the lower end generators.



For your refrigerator you will not need anything more powerful than a basic 7500-watt generator.

These little appliances are not very power intensive and, even with the added cost of building a 7 kW generator, you can easily afford the price difference between this and the more expensive units on the market today.

If you plan on buying one of these generators and use it for other purposes, just be sure to purchase a second refrigerator for essential items that do require electricity.

Cooking Stoves:

Cooking Stoves

If you are planning on using a 7kw generator as your primary cooking stove you may want to purchase an extra propane tank so that you can cook if your electricity goes out completely.

Not all generators are made with a gas connection. The ones we reviewed had them, though, so you won’t have to worry about this.

List of appliances for Work Station a 7500-watt Generator can Power

The following is a list of appliances you can run at your work station. This list is not comprehensive, but it does paint the picture for you.

appliances for Work Station a 7500-watt Generator can Power

We have included some facts about the power consumption of each appliance on this list so that you can get a sense of how much power each one uses.

  • Circular saw – 1,400 watts
  • Cordless drills/drivers – 700 watts (120V) or 300 watts (220V)
  • Heating equipment – 1,500 watts (120V) or 1,000 watts (220V)
  • Welder – 2,000 watts
  • Wheelbarrow, small power tool – 1,000 watts (120V) or 950 watts (220V) -Note: You can get the same power as a wheelbarrow with a small generator. It is cheaper and has most of the same features. It will just take longer to run the machine. For example: you can weld with a small generator if it is 120 V.
  • Lawn mowers 1,500 watts
  • Treadmills – 1,200 watts
  • Water pumps – 800 watts (120V) or 500 watts (220V)
  • Oscillating tools – 700 to 1,000 watts
  • Power tools – 700 to 1,000 W.

Circular saw:

Circular saw

A circular saw is one of the most common power tools used by construction workers. It is also useful to have around when you need a saw for your hobby or just cutting lumber for general use in the house.


Drills drivers

The cordless drill/driver is very popular among DIYers. If you are not one, but do some work with wood around the house, then a 1,000 watt generator will be more than enough to power up your drill and driver.

The lower wattage will also be safer since your cordless won’t be on full power at all times and could easily overheat if it is not being used properly.

Table saw:

Table saw

A table saw is an essential tool for any DIYer and even the occasional hobbyist. All of these saws run on 1,600 watts so they will require a very powerful generator to operate.



A bandsaw is just as important as a table saw in the DIYer’s arsenal. If you are looking for a good bandsaw that can also cut metal, then read this guide here to get the best one for your job.

These devices use about 1,500 watts and will require an 8 kW generator at full capacity. You can still use a small unit but it will take longer to finish whatever project you are working on at the time.

Electric drill:

Electric drill

While we have added drills to the list, it is worth mentioning that you can use a corded electric drill and still run it with a 7500-watt generator. This will not require full capacity but should be enough to run the tool at half power.

Electric sander:

Electric sander

If you have an electric sander, then you might want to look into using a 7500-watt generator for your workstation.

It is extremely versatile equipment and can be used on just about any construction project requiring sanding or polishing. You could even use one of these units to cut holes through your drywall if you’re having trouble nailing them in.



A chainsaw is another useful power tool for the DIYer. It is a little more powerful than a drill or driver, but you should still be able to use it with a smaller unit.

Miter saw:

Miter saw

The miter saw is very similar to the table saw except that it doesn’t cut as wide of pieces of wood and usually rotates on only one axis. It is used often for finishing pieces of wood. These devices will require about 800 watts of power to operate at full capacity.

Electric grinder:

Electric grinder

An electric grinder can be used in many different applications but they are most commonly used for polishing metal and shaping wood.

Electric leaf blower:

Electric leaf blower

An electric blower is a useful tool for cleaning out your garage, keeping your yard clean and just generally cleaning up the area around your home.

A Word of Caution: Before you buy a generator, make sure you are familiar with the “outdoor rated” concept. Generators are not made to run on outdoor appliances; some may do so, but the generator will likely overheat and be completely ruined if you do.

A good generator should be run inside on its own wheeled stand. Also, be sure that your generator is “hard wired” into your home — that is, it must have an electrical cord with three prongs sticking out of it. If you cannot plug it in to a standard receptacle, then don’t buy the model!

How Much Can a 7500-watt Generator Run

The number of watts a generator can produce is just one part of what it can produce. The wattage of the generator itself is only a small fraction of the total power that you can get out of it.

The number you want to look at is called “kWh.” This stands for “kilowatt-hour,” which means one kilowatt-hour, or kWh, equals 1,000 watts.

To calculate the number of kW hours (or kWh) that your generator will produce in a year, you need to multiply the number of watts by 365:

Our generator has a 7,500-watt rating and produces 4.5 million (7.5 x 500) watts per hour. This means that it could produce 4500 kW per hour.

How Much Can a 7500-watt Generator Run

If you divide this number by 1000, you get 4500/1000 = 4.5-megawatt-hours. To convert this to kWh, we need to multiply our number by 1000 again:

4.5 x 1000 = 45000. This means that the generator can potentially run 45,000 watts (45 kWh) for one hour in one day. Looking at the whole year, our generator could produce (365×45) or 152250kWh of energy over a year’s time!

All of these calculations assume a continuous load of 7500 watts throughout the year. This is reasonable for most home appliances.

Things to consider when purchasing a 7500-watt Generator

You have the type of generator, power load, and features pretty much down. There are still a few things you can do to make sure you get the best one for your money. Here are the most important factors to consider when buying a generator:

If you’re looking for the best portable generator, or you’d just like to learn a little bit more about them, then this article is perfect for you. It’s packed with everything there is to know about 7500 watt portable generators, including their strengths and weaknesses.

Most importantly, we’ll be looking at what features they have on board, what you can do with them, and how much you can comfortably spend. We’ll also take a look at our favorites and see why we think they’re so good.

How do I get the most out of my 7500 watt generator?

How do I get the most out of my 7500 watt generator?

The most important thing to remember is that you need to use them properly and safely. Generators should never be used indoors, and they are not meant to power all of your appliances at once.

They must only be used as a safety device when you need them and not as a substitute for your main power supply. Otherwise, you could end up getting injured or damaging the equipment around your home. This unit must be run on its own self-contained stand outside, far away from any buildings.

Generators are very simple machines. They use a generator to create the power that they give off, and then they convert it into 120-volt AC power for you to use. As long as you keep them safe and away from any flammable activity, they will be able to give you the energy that you need in an emergency.

The Bottom Line

As you can tell from the list above, you can power your entire home on standby with a 7500-watt generator with a few exceptions.

The most notable of these is running air conditioners. But even then, it’s just for about 30 minutes and then the generator needs to be recharged again—and a portable generator is only good for 15 hours of use in this scenario.

I hope after reading this, you got the list of appliances (for Home and Work Station) which can be run by a 7500-watt generator run.

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